by Tyler Amory
May 19, 2024
The water is brown but the fish don't care!
MRO shop staff Cole Bedics understandably excited about a quality streamer eater on the Upper Madison!
Hebgen: The ice on Hebgen is all gone! Both the north and south shores have been fishing well with nymphs and streamers/leeches. There are some steady midge and small baetis hatches occurring most everywhere as well, with the occasional fish rising on said bugs.
Flies: #8 Black or Olive Simi Seal Leech, #6 Balanced Squirrel Leech Black, #6 Olive or Black Hot Bead Leech, #8 Booby Leach, #8 Thin Mint, #18 BBQ Baetis, #14 Olive Nugget, #12 O.S. Buzzer, #18 Two Bit Hooker, #18 Purple JJ Baetis,
#16 Purple Missing Link, #20 Low Water Baetis
Inflow to Hebgen Lake: 1928.0 cfs
Hebgen Lake Outflow: 1045.4 cfs
Kirby Flows: 1410 cfs
Temp @ Kirby: High - 50 F
Low - 41 F
** Flows as of 12pm May 19th, 2024 **

MRO Shop staff Nina Lett with a pretty little Madison Brown
Upper Madison:
The Upper Madison is definitely in runoff, with the river becoming less half/half and more solid brown by the day - its time to break out the heavy stuff. Pounding the banks with large nymphs, worms, and streamers will be your best bet. Don't be scared of the #BB splitshot!
Flies: #10 Pat's Rubberlegs - Black, #16 Olive Hot Spot, #18 Beadhead *OR* Weightless Shop-Vac, #18 BBQ Baetis, #12 San Juan Worm, #18 CDC BWO Comparadun, #20 Low Water Baetis, #18 Purple Parachute, #6 Olive Peanut Envy, #6 Olive Mini Sex-Dungeon #8 Hot Bead Thin Mint
We're all anxiously waiting for these little guys to start flying!!!
**Yellowstone National Park is closed to fishing until Memorial Day!!**
Madison near West Yellowstone: -
Yellowstone below Yellowstone Lake : -
Gibbon: -
Gallatin near Big Sky: 625 cfs
Get out there!
Beautiful colors on this Upper Madison 'bow
We are booking float, & walk/wade trips for the 2024 season. Give us a call if you have any questions or are looking to book a guided trip.
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Tyler Amory