Fly Shop Hours
8:00 am to 9:00 pm 7 days a week
Our On-line Fly Shop remains open 24/7 every day of the year.
In 1978 Brad Richey, the owner and outfitter of Madison River Outfitters, made his way to West Yellowstone towing a Lavro boat behind his old Chevy pickup. He began his guiding career at Bud Lilly’s that summer, then spent the next two years managing another shop in town. In 1981 Brad opened Madison River Outfitters. As a full time guide, Brad spent his days on the river with clients while the shop was kept open by a single shop employee. As time went on the shop flourished – new employees were hired, additional guides joined the team, and eventually the little log cabin that housed the shop was moved to its current location where it was added on to. Brad continued to guide until the early 2000’s when he transitioned from guiding to running the shop and outfitting business full time, which he continues to do to this day.
Today Madison River Outfitters is one of the largest full service fly fishing shops in West Yellowstone. Our fly shop offers you everything you need to get out and fish the rivers and lakes in Montana and Yellowstone National Park.
Madison River Outfitters is an authorized permittee of the National Park Service, Custer National Forest Service and State of Montana.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us.
Madison River Outfitters
125 N Canyon Street
PO Box 398
West Yellowstone, Montana 59758
Local: 406-646-9644
Toll Free: 800-646-9644
Fax: 406-646-9630
Or Contact Us Here
Fly Shop Hours
Fall Hours: 7:30 am - 6 pm 7 days a week
Winter Hours: 9 am - 3 pm Monday thru Friday
We will close the fly shop for winter on November 1, 2022
Our On-line Fly Shop remains open 24/7 every day of the year.