Madison River Outfitters Fishing Report 6/19/2024

by Tyler Amory June 19, 2024

The Weather Has Temporarily Cooled Off, But the Fishing Hasn't
MRO Guide Tom Forsberg's Client Matt holding a very impressive Upper Madison rainbow

Hebgen: We're beginning to see some occasional Callibaetis hatching on and around the lake, as well as a strong hatch of midges continuing. A good number of gulpers have been spotted on the calmer days. We've been producing pretty well on stripped leeches and similarly small streamers.
Flies: #8 Black or Olive Simi Seal Leech, #6 Balanced Squirrel Leech Black, #6 Olive or Black Hot Bead Leech, #8 Booby Leach, #8 Thin Mint, #18 BBQ Baetis, #14 Olive Nugget, #12 O.S. Buzzer, #18 Two Bit Hooker, #16 Long Tailed Spinner Callibaetis,
#16 Purple Missing Link, #20 Low Water Baetis

Inflow to Hebgen Lake: 1395 cfs
Hebgen Lake Outflow: 934.8 cfs
Kirby Flows: 1070 cfs
Temp @ Kirby: High - 60.8 F
                        Low - 49.1 F

** Flows as of 12pm June 19th, 2024 **

MRO Shop Staff Nate Green showing off a linebacker looking brown in the Wade Section of the Upper Madison

Upper Madison: 
The Madison has come down immensely from the high water last week (over 700cfs!) Its clearing up more and more everyday and there's coincidentally plenty of bugs popping off now. the recent cold front hasn't affected anything much. Nymphs are most likely the best way to go, but we've been doing pretty well on small chubby's, caddis, and PMD's on top!

Flies: #10 Pat's Rubberlegs - Black, #16 Black OR Red Krystal Dip, #14 Olive Grub, #14 Pilva's Perdigon - Olive, #16 Royal Chubby, #16 Rocky Mountain Mint - PMD, #14 Chocolate X-Caddis, #14 CDC & Elk Caddis - Black, #6 Olive Peanut Envy, #6 Olive OR Black Mini Sex-Dungeon, #8 Hot Bead Thin Mint, #6 Black Sparkle Minnow Yummy
MRO Guide Noah Norwood showing off a rainbow with shoulders and a smiling client!
The Western side of YNP is fishing great!
The Firehole, Gibbon, & Madison are all fishing well despite the slight runoff with streamers and nymphs. There's a smorgus board of bugs on the menu - Caddis, White Millers, PMD's, BWO's, Yellow Sallies, Salmonflies, and Stoneflies. Soft Hackles and Streamers have been producing as well. 
The Firehole & Madison in YNP have been reaching temperatures exceeding 70 degrees F. Please give the fish a break after 11am/12pm. There's plenty more water around!
Flies: #16 Olive Hairs Ear, #16 Olive Hot Spot, #14 Czech Frenchie, #14 Diving Caddis - Olive, #16 Partridge & Pheasant Flash Back, #8 Rio's Juicy Stone - Salmonfly, #16 DOA PMD, #18 CDC Biot BWO Comparadun, #16 Elk Hair Caddis - Dark Brown OR Olive, #18 Purple Missing Link, #6 CH Sparkle Minnow - Brownie, #6 Peanut Envy - Olive OR Brown

Madison near West Yellowstone: - 495 cfs
Yellowstone below Yellowstone Lake: - 4500 cfs
Gibbon: - 126 cfs
Firehole: - 339 cfs & 69 Deg. F
Gallatin near Big Sky: 1340 cfs
Get out there!
MRO Guide Noah Norwood with a nice rainbow on a day off float

Tyler Amory
Tyler Amory


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