by Jake Schilling
June 27, 2017

Upper Madison
Yes, Salmonflies are all over the Madison! Long, hot, days have pushed Salmonflies up the Madison in a hurry. As of 6/25, they're moving up from Windy Point, but still thick down to Varney. Per usual the last few years, getting them to eat the big bug isn't a cake walk.
You'll still raise a majority on caddis patterns like the #16 Tan X-Caddis and #16 Parachute Caddis. But, if you're dead set on getting fish to chase the big bugs, try the #10 Big-R-Bug, #8 Jake's Hot Cake, and #14 Golden Chubby. Everyone has their favorite, but those three have been reliable. Attractors have found plenty of fish too, our favorite over the past week has been the #10-12 Royal Trude.
The nymph bite has been as good as I can remember. Even though stoneflies are hatching, the best nymphing has been with smaller flies, caddis and mayflies. Guide favorites over the week have been the #16 Green Machine, #14-16 Lake Prince, #16 Shop Vac, #16-18 Black Lightning Bug, and the #16 Red Neck.
Flows are certainly dropping, but still high and off-colored. That being said, there's a few fish that will bump dries. A typical set-up around here would be a #10-12 Chubby with a #12 Golden Biot Stone below. Don't have very high expectations for surface eats. Inside YNP the water is cleaning up, but very, very cold.
Still a bit out. Early to Mid-July and the 'Stone will be a great option.
Madison and Firehole
Keep your eyes on the flow charts, temps are already getting above 70 degrees. Time to start exploring other waters in the Park.
MRO Guide Rick Welle landing a nice Brown Trout for client Dick Luechtefeld
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Jake Schilling