Fishing with dry flies is how most of us first experienced fly-fishing for trout. Whether on the Yellowstone, Upper Madison, or Pebble Creek, we all have a special place for targeting fish on the surface. At MRO we pride ourselves on being well-rounded anglers, but when dry fly fishing is on, we make the most of it! From #6 Salmon flies in June to #22 Baetis in October, we want to help you properly read the water, hatches, and fish behavior to determine the optimal presentation that will lead to an eat.
While on foot, we want to focus not only on upstream presentations, but downstream as well. Feeding the fish downstream is not only incredible fun, but very productive in our area's outstanding pocket water. A big bonus of wade/walk fishing is the time you can spend on each spot reading the water. Learning to slow down, stop, and spot raising fish is a critical skill to success.
In the boat we will work on reach casting and hitting the slicks, pockets, banks, and anywhere the current is a gear or two slower. We love to see long, smooth dead drifts, the more fish you can drift over, the better!
Another option for the boat is heading out on Hebgen or Quake Lake. If you're looking for instruction on headhunting the "gulper" Callibaetis hatches, these lakes are great resources! While Hebgen generally has the larger (16"-20") and more difficult to trick rainbows and browns, Quake has slightly smaller raising fish (14"-16") and the opportunity to see a 'pack' or 'pod' of 8-12 fish.
Recommended tackle is 7'6" to 9'6" 2-6 weight rods, depending on location. If fishing from the boat, a fast action 9' 4-6 weight is preferable to help with wind and quick decision-making.
If you don't have the above gear we will provide you with suitable fly rods, waders and wading boots for your guide trip.
Full Day Trips Only
$750 per day for 1 or 2 anglers
Book ahead to ensure your dates.